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Statement on digital accessibility

This digital accessibility statement applies to the offerings at:

The DFG Research Group “Law-Gender-Collectivity” endeavours at all times to make its website as barrier-free as possible in accordance with the requirements of the Berlin Accessible Information and Communication Technology Act (BIKTG Bln). Technical requirements for accessibility result from the Regulation on the Creation of Barrier-Free Information Technology (BITV 2.0).

Link to the Berlin Accessible Information and Communication Technology Act

Link to BITV 2.0.

Status of accessibility
The last review was conducted on 10/02/2021 by the Research Group “Law-Gender-Collectivity” It was found that parts of the website did not fully comply with the requirements:
Images that have been embedded in pages have not yet been supplemented by textual descriptions in some places.
English translations are not available for all contents yet.
The main contents of the website and the accessibility statement are not yet available in easy language and in German sign language.
Not all integrated PDF files are suitable for read-aloud functions yet.
Not all integrated links could be supplemented with descriptions suitable for read-aloud functions so far.
The removal of these barriers is in progress. Remediation Schedule: 2021.


Report barrier:

To report existing barriers or request information on implementing accessibility, please contact:

DFG-Research Group Law - Gender - Collectivity

Prof. Dr. Beate Binder
Institute for European Ethnology (IfEE), Humboldt University Berlin (HU)
Mohrenstrasse 40/41
10117 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0)302093-70845

Other contact points:

If your contact with the above office was unsuccessful, you may contact the State Digital Accessibility Officer.
Link to the contact form
Link to further information about the State Commissioner for Digital Accessibility

Reference to the conciliation board under the Disability Equality Act (BGG):
It is possible to initiate conciliation proceedings at the board of arbitration in accordance with Article 16 of the BGG.
Link to the board of arbitration