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Student Assistant in sub-project A: “Claiming a Common World? Gender in Environmental Law and Climate Litigation”
Chair for Public Law and Gender Theory, Humbolt University Berlin 

As a law student, I am often confronted with a legal field that seems to be utterly detached from issues of marginalization and political organization. Therefore, it is important to me to better articulate a critically driven praxis and theory of legal-studies.

When law is approached as a place and mechanism for political movements issues of articulation and invisibility of inequality, violence and marginalization start to arise. Law actively participates in this process and creates language to condemn, to demand and to question. But more often it limits the articulation of experiences for marginalized peoples.

I’m looking forward to dealing with these contradictions in my work within the research-project. To find approaches for analysis and to better understand the process of claiming legal action for political activism.

I’m especially interested in the reciprocal processes in which law creates reality, and the consequences they have for a radical and queerfeminist movement for climate justice.